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Hauptwerk Organs

Hauptwerk organs from Mixtuur UK

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Drawstop Organs

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Wyvern Custom Organs

The new Wyvern Pavane VPO Hauptwerk Organ

Introducing the new Wyvern Pavane VPO with hi-res touch screens that give crystal clear colour displays of each stop list. Simply switch on, select your chosen sample set and play.

With the latest Hauptwerk OS, a powerful computer and a comprehensive audio system with top quality speakers the effect is stunning. The organ comes with a full set of general and divisional pistons plus a step sequencer all fully integrated into a quality oak console.

The organ comes with eight free sample sets pre installed including St. Mary-le-Bow; Haverhill and South Suffolk.



Wyvern Concerto VPO to central France

We have just installed a Concerto VPO for Guy Maingonat a long standing customer of ours. Guy has a summer residence in a delightful village in his native Auvergne.

Over the years we have built him several organs the last being a large custom three manual drawstop with a French specification. Eventually the lure of Hauptwerk and the choice of notable Cavaillé-Coll organs were too much to resist. Even so he still wanted a comfortable and attractive console built in the Wyvern tradition so a customised Concerto VPO fitted the bill.

The organ is installed in a music room coupled to a specially designed audio system feeding several speakers to give a cathedral like acoustic. Pictured here Guy seated at the console and Graham after a particularly pleasant French lunch!


Dear Graham, My sincere thanks for the exceptionally high standard of instrument and installation of the new Wyvern Concerto 354 at Plymouth Cathedral.
Robert Osmond
Once again, I'd like to convey my appreciation of all you and the team did to welcome me. Your best selling points were your modesty, yet quiet assurance, as well, of course, as the excellent quality of your
Kyle McCallum